PAPELES DEL PSICÓLOGO Vol. 43-1 Enero - Abril 2022

and creating a safe therapeutic environment which opposed to problematic cultural practices, it would be useful to test whether they could have an additive effect to other therapies that have demonstrated positive effects in symptom reduction in other populations (e.g., CBT). Blending FAP with other contextual behavioral therapists’ approaches will be also useful, particularly with DBT that has shown good outcomes in social functioning. It would be interesting to evaluate whether blending DBT and FAP in individual sessions can boost other interpersonal repertoires such as emotional communication and refine relational behaviors by discriminating nurturing environments. As noted in this article, Vaca-Ferrer et al. (2020) found improvements in closeness, openness, and distress of Hispanic IPV victims who completed a program that combined FAP, ACT, and behavioral activation. Future research would dismantle this program to evaluate whether FAP-alone could have similar effects or event extended if including modules that target discrimination of safe environment and alternative cultural practices in Latinas as proposed in this manuscript. In sum, FAP invites therapists to keep the therapeutic relationship as the core to model more functional interpersonal repertoires and interactions when working with Latinas’ victims. Its functional nature conceptualizes the lack of help-seeking behaviors as the result of victims’ interaction with problematic social environments and cultural practices. This perspective reduces bias over the reasons why Latinas’ victims stay quiet and remain in IPV relationships as it does not pathologize them. In this line, FAP therapists would focus on transforming victims’ interpersonal dynamics. 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